Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Color Me Mine, please!

I got to spend the day with my girl. She finally got to use the gift certificate for the Pottery Studio, Color Me Mine.

You cannot help but feel inspired and artsy when you walk through the doors. Before you, are the stark white, blank possibilities made out of clay, just waiting on your creative touch. Jul loves it here. And, I love watching her here, in her element. Today, the lucky recipient of her talent was a wee sock monkey. A beauty he became!

The sky outside was showing us all the colors it could muster up to continue with the inspiration. It was an awesomely blustery and windy day, but from that chaos, one of the most amazing Sunsets was produced. God was showing us some of His best artwork :)

Valentine's Day!

The Day of Love. Although I am not a fan of the 'Hallmark' Holidays, there is something to be said for setting aside a day to show those you love a little extra acknowledgment.

As a little girl, my hardworking father ALWAYS made sure to remember my Mother & I in some special way on this Day of Love. He had ordered a delivery to be made, which for some reason made it seem more spectacular. Waiting for that knock on the door and seeing something coming through the door with your name on it made a girl feel very special.

My Mother's would be an amazing bouquet of Pinks and Reds that just took your breath away. Mine would be a simple little collection of carnations (my fave) or daisies with Babies Breath, possibly a Rose added for good measure. And always an adorable stuffed animal attached. It made a little girl feel.....special and loved. Not because it was a 'purchased' gift, but because it was my Dad's thoughts/feelings all rolled up in the loveliness of it all. It said to us, "you are important to me to continue to honor this tradition." And, it was a tradition he continued up until my first year of Marriage, then he handed the 'job' over to my husband :) I Love seeing my little girl light up when her Daddy makes the fuss over her now. The light in her eyes tells the story, in that moment, I AM SPECIAL, I AM LOVED!

He is 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is hard for my to fathom, my Lil' Man is Fourteen years old. I am beyond Blessed to have this Child. Although the teen years bring their own challenges, I must say they are few and far between with him. He is the epitome of unconditional Love, and he inspires me to want to always be better.

I love you my Son!

Snow Day & Comfort Food

What is it about Snow Days that makes us want to consume as much comfort food as humanly possible? I love the (temporary) isolation from the outside world. It allows for the immediate appreciation of being (trapped) in the constant company of your little loving family.

This is when my cooking drive kicks into overdrive. Although it is only one day confined to the house, I must cook and EAT like we may never see civilization again. I shutter to think what I may weigh if I lived in Alaska!

So, it is the clambering of cold, excited children building forts in the frozen Tundra that drives this hibernation mode I enter in to. The NEED to fill their bellies and pull out clothes right from the dryer to warm those frozen bones becomes all consuming. Tomorrow School will return, plows will make a mess of streets, snow will even get 'dirty', but for today, I am content hibernating.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Christmas gift on Ice

We attended Larry's Flyer's Game which was his Christmas gift. Originally, my intention was to get two tickets, one for him, one for me....of course! Well, long story short, in my bleery eyed, 2 am sleep deprived state of mind, while shopping on line to get the tickets, I HAD to buy three. Yes, the deal that seemed too good to be true, WAS. I failed to check that the reason the price seemed PHENOMENAL for two tix that close to the ice, was because, AFTER I clicked PURCHASE (with no chance of ever changing your mind, fool) the UNBELIEVABLE price was for....wait for it....ONE TICKET! AAAGGHHH!!!!!!!!

So, with no chance of undoing this tragic mistake, I had to start searching all over again. Now more bleery eyed, and so sleepy I was praying for a Coma to kick in. To make it more fun, I now must find two tix close to the lone seat, so whoever (Me)sits in that amazing seat three rows off ice, directly behind our Fly Boys, will be near to the other two who wont be sitting in that amazing section. When the dust settled, I found two seats, a section over and three rows distance from the lone(amaaaazing) seat. The other two were very good also, and come to find out, the exact two seats I purchased a year earlier for my boys birthday. Kizmet? I don't know. But, those seats are right next to the opposing team, which that night was the Montreal Canadians, better known as the Habs.

I wake husband up after all tickets were safely tucked away in cyber world and now belonged to US (he now is included, which is news to him). I tell him while he is 3/4 asleep the whole ordeal in my best NJ fast paced, car salesman pitch, what went transpired, and that "Merry Christmas, you are going to the Flyers Game, HONEY!!!" From what I remember, he groaned and rolled over, which I took as his full approval of said situation. I fell into the deepest sleep I have ever known. Morning came earlier then usual. Now Hubs wants to rehash the sleep state conversation we had, not quit sure he dreamt it or not. I tell him how wonderful it worked out the way it did, and he can join his boy & I in the Sport we love intensely. I try a little reverse psychology and tell him I will sit with our dear first born, and he can have the seat ALONE near the Flyers bench. He mulls it over, and says,"YOU go sit by yourself and go screaming the way you do surrounded by total strangers." Inside, I'm jumping for joy. Outside, I say,"OK, that's only fair, you are right." Little does he know, I am among my people at these games, we ALL scream, and there is no such thing as a stranger in this environment. Maybe it was the "YOU ARE RIGHT"at the end of my sentence the cued him in to the farce. He decided he wanted to see exactly where the seats were located. UMPH! I begrudgingly show him. Now Mr. Neverwantedtogo Inthefirstplace, decides, HE will occupy the lone seat, since it's HIS Christmas gift! He trumped me. And you know what, I'm OK with it, no really! I have the best time at the Games when my son is by my side, screaming just like his Mama. We had a blast. Lesson learned, look for tickets prior to 2am, and ALWAYS check the quantity, or be ready to give up the good seat to you know who.

Planets, Clay & Tinfoil

Julia participated in the 3rd Grade Science Fair. She was very proud of the display and presentation she (with the help of Daddy) put together. When asked how she did after presenting her information to the class, she responded, "I ROCKED it!" That's my girl!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

January Snow Madness! Dog Days are here.

The snow has brought with it many issues. Despite the obvious obstacles, travel, shoveling, food shortages, achy bones from spills from icy patches, the main one is the "Stir-Craziness-Mania" of being trapped in your own home for longer then you like.

I knew that applied to the human inhabitants of this abode. Then I stated to see how the Canine faction was faring, and what they did to keep their minds sharp in a time when one clearly feels like the mind is slipping away in the snow banks.

This was just one day in the life of Tommy & Ginger. They brought such joy to me this day. They let my "One step way from the Shining, All Snow & No Play Makes Coll a crazy woman" mind wander and focus on something other then the trapped feeling consuming my soul. Thomas became "obsessed" with the fleet of Ninja Squirrels taunting him from our window, and Ginger-I-really-detest-coldstuff-on-my-feet, followed her brother without a thought of the yuck building up on her paws. They were totally present in the moment, enjoying their dog-ness....and I couldn't help but follow them on this journey, if only an observer. I thank them for the Gift of Living in the Moment. I have so much to learn from my Dogs!

Sleepover Sillyness

Jul is very fortunate to have two "Sisters" that are known as Soph & Livie. Jul and Soph have been buddies since Nursery School. Soph & Livie's Momma is my dear friend Angel, who I actually went to High School with, small world!

The three girls do a wonderful job of hanging out together, and just thoroughly enjoying each others company. We usually try to be down the Shore at the same time. The girls have enjoyed the surf & sand together, a 4th of July Parade, and fun at 52nd Street Playground.

While most would say three girls on a play date is a recipe for disaster, and for the most part--I agree! But, not with this trio. They have had a few sleepovers at each others homes. There is a sense of comfort I have sending her to my friends home, more like she is going to stay with family, not just friends. I don't have that sense of "let-my-guard-down-peace-of-mind-comfort" with many situations that involve my kids and other people, but in this case, I DO! I sure hope my friend has that same level of comfort, in fact, I know she does, which makes me feel so honored!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weekend Snow Day? We'll take it!

I was awakened at 7 am by my wonderful four-legged Alarm clocks, that wanted to go outside.
When they completed their task, back to bed we 3 went, while the other 3 (two-legged) family members slept. It seemed like 5 minutes later, but, actually it was about two hours later, my children were squealing with delight over the SNOW! OK, maybe it wasn't 'squealing' but on a Saturday morning that one hopes to catch up on a bit of sleep deprivation, it sounds like SQUEALING!!!! The other thought I had was, "they are insane, I was just up, there was no snow."

Well, the joke was on me, the fluffy white stuff must have started when I shut the door at 7 am, and crawled back in my cocoon, and it apparently did not let up. I am one who enjoys snow days. Let me clarify, snow days where none of my loved ones or I have to be out driving in it, today met that criteria. The next thought was, "I have no food!, why didn't I go get that milk last night?" Oh, yeah, because this snow caught me totally off guard. Last night, I took the boy shopping for some much needed sneakers. It was actually a quit enjoyable time spent with my oldest. As we left the Shopping Center I had to drive past the Grocery Store, I chose to squash the little voice that said,"run in and get those few items that are desperately needed in the fridge." Instead, I laughed at that little voice, with a flippant," there's always tomorrow" you see where this is going? We arrived home, and I speak with my Mom on the phone. She asks if I heard that there's going to be snow on Saturday? I double check with the resident Meteorologist (my hubs) who states he thinks it's not suppose to snow until Tuesday. Mom and I end our call, and I settle into a (false) sense of security that we will not deal with white stuff until next week. Well, that wasn't true, as referenced by above information regarding squealing children. The phone rang at 9:10 am this morning, just so my Mother could say, "TOLD YOU SO!"

Let the Good Times Roll!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, again?

Really, it feels like we just did this! Ready or NOT, here comes 2011.

This is another one of those Holidays that we do here, in our home (read:MORE cleaning, MORE stress)I am glad that this event has grown, and that there are actually people who look forward to joining us each year. That fact still blows me away, but they all do still show up, so I'm gonna run with it :)

The kids look at this as their party. They love being home and they love parties, win/win. When all is said and done, there really is no reason to stress the condition of my home for this event. The people who come are the most relaxed, enjoyable people I have had the pleasure of knowing. We hae a house full of kids, and that is not an exaggeration. The run freely and happy in my messy house (that I say was pristine, but 'those darn kids'....yes, I blame the kids, it works ;)

We eat, we drink, we laugh...neighbors (new & old) who haven't a chance to really connect for awhile due to busy lives, sit and chat. Babies are passed around and loved. I look around, and I am....happy. I would not want to ring in this inevitable New Year, any other way!

An amazing New Year's Day meal was lovingly prepared for us by Mom McCay. Pork and Sauerkraut, always a crowd pleaser. We left with bellies full and heart's content. Prepared to meet 2011 head-on, Bring it!!!!

and a P.S.....we snuck in some sledding time at MOM MOM's hill as Juls calls it. It is a hill at my parents development that Jul and my Mom always walk to and Jul proceeds to roll down. She had a light bulb moment when she thought of the added fun snow would lend to the experience. So off we went, We visited with my parents for a bit and dropped off some Christmas meal to them. Good day indeed!

Christmas, Blissmas, bring it on!

Things were fast and furious around here the last couple of weeks. The kids vacation began 12/23.

I love the feeling that comes with knowing we are officially on no formal schedule. Sleep in my Babies, enjoy the comforts of home, prepare your beautiful minds for all the splendor of this Holiday Season.

The Hubs and I are always working on this goal: to be more prepared 'early' so we can actually ENJOY said Holiday Hoop-La, and not feel frenzied, distraught and overwhelmed. Seems like a simple concept, but one that manages to elude us, even after almost 14 years of this parent stuff!

I have to say, we did make time to enjoy. Enjoy the small moments, enjoy the moments that didn't go as planned, enjoy the fact that our kids really aren't expecting our version of 'perfect' and enjoy the fact that to them, it is ALL perfect, imperfections and all!

My little family went out without me and brought home the most lovely of Trees, very majestic. This was waaay ahead of schedule for us, so we felt....what's the word?.....productive! I love that my kids LOOOVE to decorate the tree. We go through each of their ornaments as they get hung, telling any interesting stories over and over for each, or making up one where no story existed, (whaaat?)

We spent the last weekend before Christmas in Philadelphia at our tiny dancers Irish School Winter Recital and Ceili (Irish party). While it stressed me initially, "who plans an all day event on the last of the days to actually get stuff done!!!!!" When I let that go, I let in the fun. The travel was fine as we left early. Got a great parking spot, and got the Wee one upstairs to her group to start practicing. It then became obvious, that since the event did not begin for another hour and a half, the facility had not turned on the heat! It was like sitting in a Meat Locker. All the Irish Dance families were asked to donate an appetizer/dessert type thingy, guess what I forgot? There was not going to be any formal food (for a five hour production?!?) But, in keeping with Irish tradition and custom, the Bar(cash) would be open. Can you guess where most of the Dad's were positioned? I guess it took the chill off :)

We were very fortunate that Mom & Dad McCay wanted to join us. I always feel a little bad asking people to come to such events for my kids, 1) for the travel involved 2) for the brief minute or two my child performs, then they being 'trapped' there to watch ALL the other performers! and 3) no REAL food.....Believe me, I get it.

But, I put it out there, and people can make up their own minds whether they want to come. I always feel I need to stress, "no obligation" so they know I am holding them to no contract :) But, these wonderful, loving Grandparents chose of their own accord to take part. They met us there, with a Veggie Tray Dad picked up for us, as it was one of those 'things' on my list that got over looked. We were lucky that Juls' group was at the very beginning of the program. Mom & Dad hung out for a bit more, then gave us a double blessing when they took our 'bored' 13 year old home with them. SCORE! Larry is always up for supporting his little sister. He clearly fulfilled his Brotherly obligations, and was ready to LEAVE! Jul was having soooo much fun running around with her friends in an amazing old building, The Commodore John Barry Irish Center, that we didn't want to pull her away from the excitement. The music was great, performed by Two Quid. And, the food, was actually, phenomenal! People brought so many variations of appies and desserts, you were left wanting for nothing. It was a beautiful experience for all of us.

Christmas Day we spent at our home as we always do. We have been very Blessed over the years to have both sets of parents join us for this day. Our parents truly adore each other, and we always have so much fun being together. The last few years I have invited my Aunt Dolly and her daughter and her grandchildren to join us. This year, they were all in attendance. My heart was a bit saddened when it became evident that my parents would not be joining us. My Mom rushed in to drop off gifts, and then she was rushing over to my brother's to drop off their gifts. My Dad was home in bed not feeling well, and she didn't want to leave him for too long. We missed them terribly. I was exhausted when all was said and done, but grateful for the happiness that took place under my roof.

My 'real' Christmas day, was December 26! The day I wanted, lingering in jammies all day, kids playing with their newly acquired Booty from Santa, grazing on all the leftovers, and not needing to cook due to all the leftovers. And not worrying about cleaning my house. Throw in a Snowstorm, and this day was hand-picked just for me, BLISS! Our dear friends, that live about 4-5 blocks away, CHOSE (without bribe) to walk over our house with their two children during to the Snowstorm, just to hang out with us. More food was brought out, and we all sat and watched hours of Candid Camera!!!! Thank You Christmas Gods!!!!!