Monday, March 8, 2010

Steppin' out into Spring

This was the first weekend of non-stop beautiful weather in a looong time. Everyone was out and about enjoying it, as well they should!

We started off by going to what I like to call "Communion-Palooza". This a day set aside to do crafts and learn a bit more about the process one must endure to establish their place in the Communion line. We were originally scheduled for the 1pm-3pm group. But, since we had to be in Conshohocken at 1pm, we made it to the 10am group. It was just Julia and I, as we left the 'boys' home. It was nice to work on her 'Grandparent' project with her, she was very proud of it. She was fading fast through the other 'learning centers', as was I!

We broke free and headed home to get the boys and begin our journey to Conshy for parade practice for Juls' Irish Dance School. You would think from the amount of time we sat in traffic, that everyone had the same idea, to spend a gorgeous Spring-like day, trapped on the Schulkyll!!! Once we got there, we realized what an adorable little town Conshohocken is. Julia did fabulous through out practice. She looooves this dance group immensely, and cannot wait to participate in the St. Patty's Day Parade(s) next weekend. Her outfit arrived from Belfast, and it is absolutely too cute for words. They are very particular about the way the girls hair must be worn, and I'm stressing that a bit, but we'll get through it :)

After practice, I was treated to a wonderful Birthday lunch by my family. We really just enjoyed the day together, then headed back out to the Schulkyll to begin the excruciating ride home. But, with bellies full, and the stress of finding and getting to practice on time behind us, it was not THAT bad.

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