Saturday, March 27, 2010

An Irish Day in Conshohocken

My daughter finally got to experience her day in the sun, as the Conshohocken parade took place today. Under beautiful blue skies, and with only a slight chill in the air, it was a magnificent day to be Irish.

The Dad's were the only one's allowed to march with the children, and Larry was looking forward to this time to be with his lil' Irish Princess. She was pensive at first, not knowing what to expect. But, as more and more of the students started to arrive, she felt comforted. And, having Daddy by her side is always helpful.

My son and I got to walk around the adorable main street of Conshohocken, Pa., and I treasured this time with him. He is so supportive of his little sister, and couldn't wait for her to go happily 'skipping' by. We have Aunt Patty to thank for her adorable bouncy curls, as she was the one responsible for lovingly wrapping each little curler. Mom Mom Murray attempted a trial run with the 'rag curls' she usually does in Julia's hair. Rag curls are the result of ripping sheets into strips and meticulously weaving them through her hair. We just couldn't accomplish the ringlets required by the Irish dance world with this technique. So, Aunt Patty, who for many years did her own daughters 'ringlets' for competitive cheer leading, was our 'go-to girl'.

The final gift of the night came when Julia exclaimed,"my Irish Dance for the parade wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be." Now, she has the bug, and we (hopefully) have many more Parades to attend!

1 comment:

  1. And we look forward to witnessing some of them! Way to go Julzie!
