Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Snow Day & Comfort Food

What is it about Snow Days that makes us want to consume as much comfort food as humanly possible? I love the (temporary) isolation from the outside world. It allows for the immediate appreciation of being (trapped) in the constant company of your little loving family.

This is when my cooking drive kicks into overdrive. Although it is only one day confined to the house, I must cook and EAT like we may never see civilization again. I shutter to think what I may weigh if I lived in Alaska!

So, it is the clambering of cold, excited children building forts in the frozen Tundra that drives this hibernation mode I enter in to. The NEED to fill their bellies and pull out clothes right from the dryer to warm those frozen bones becomes all consuming. Tomorrow School will return, plows will make a mess of streets, snow will even get 'dirty', but for today, I am content hibernating.

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