We attended Larry's Flyer's Game which was his Christmas gift. Originally, my intention was to get two tickets, one for him, one for me....of course! Well, long story short, in my bleery eyed, 2 am sleep deprived state of mind, while shopping on line to get the tickets, I HAD to buy three. Yes, the deal that seemed too good to be true, WAS. I failed to check that the reason the price seemed PHENOMENAL for two tix that close to the ice, was because, AFTER I clicked PURCHASE (with no chance of ever changing your mind, fool) the UNBELIEVABLE price was for....wait for it....ONE TICKET! AAAGGHHH!!!!!!!!
So, with no chance of undoing this tragic mistake, I had to start searching all over again. Now more bleery eyed, and so sleepy I was praying for a Coma to kick in. To make it more fun, I now must find two tix close to the lone seat, so whoever (Me)sits in that amazing seat three rows off ice, directly behind our Fly Boys, will be near to the other two who wont be sitting in that amazing section. When the dust settled, I found two seats, a section over and three rows distance from the lone(amaaaazing) seat. The other two were very good also, and come to find out, the exact two seats I purchased a year earlier for my boys birthday. Kizmet? I don't know. But, those seats are right next to the opposing team, which that night was the Montreal Canadians, better known as the Habs.
I wake husband up after all tickets were safely tucked away in cyber world and now belonged to US (he now is included, which is news to him). I tell him while he is 3/4 asleep the whole ordeal in my best NJ fast paced, car salesman pitch, what went transpired, and that "Merry Christmas, you are going to the Flyers Game, HONEY!!!" From what I remember, he groaned and rolled over, which I took as his full approval of said situation. I fell into the deepest sleep I have ever known. Morning came earlier then usual. Now Hubs wants to rehash the sleep state conversation we had, not quit sure he dreamt it or not. I tell him how wonderful it worked out the way it did, and he can join his boy & I in the Sport we love intensely. I try a little reverse psychology and tell him I will sit with our dear first born, and he can have the seat ALONE near the Flyers bench. He mulls it over, and says,"YOU go sit by yourself and go screaming the way you do surrounded by total strangers." Inside, I'm jumping for joy. Outside, I say,"OK, that's only fair, you are right." Little does he know, I am among my people at these games, we ALL scream, and there is no such thing as a stranger in this environment. Maybe it was the "YOU ARE RIGHT"at the end of my sentence the cued him in to the farce. He decided he wanted to see exactly where the seats were located. UMPH! I begrudgingly show him. Now Mr. Neverwantedtogo Inthefirstplace, decides, HE will occupy the lone seat, since it's HIS Christmas gift! He trumped me. And you know what, I'm OK with it, no really! I have the best time at the Games when my son is by my side, screaming just like his Mama. We had a blast. Lesson learned, look for tickets prior to 2am, and ALWAYS check the quantity, or be ready to give up the good seat to you know who.
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