Thursday, March 4, 2010 we go!

Everyone is Blogging! It always sounded like some dreaded stomach discomfort that I always thought wise to avoid. I am. The thought of having yet one more thing to remember (or neglect) is a wee bit stressful. Will there be pressure to 'update', will my blog content pale in comparison to the many successful bloggers, will there be gaping holes left between posts? Oh, for sure, all of the above is guaranteed, so I will just accept that, breathe deep....and move on.

I am really doing this for selfish reasons. I want to be able to create something for my kids to keep as a reference for their lives, and so, it allows me to not have to remember every little detail when they ask,"when did I first blow my nose?" and other such profound markers of life.

Although, my kids are passed the 'baby' stage, I find things are moving at warp speed, and too many of the little moments are going by and not being honored appropriately. And, after all, isn't it really the little moments we all hold so dear to our hearts?

On We Go............

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