Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Color Me Mine, please!

I got to spend the day with my girl. She finally got to use the gift certificate for the Pottery Studio, Color Me Mine.

You cannot help but feel inspired and artsy when you walk through the doors. Before you, are the stark white, blank possibilities made out of clay, just waiting on your creative touch. Jul loves it here. And, I love watching her here, in her element. Today, the lucky recipient of her talent was a wee sock monkey. A beauty he became!

The sky outside was showing us all the colors it could muster up to continue with the inspiration. It was an awesomely blustery and windy day, but from that chaos, one of the most amazing Sunsets was produced. God was showing us some of His best artwork :)

Valentine's Day!

The Day of Love. Although I am not a fan of the 'Hallmark' Holidays, there is something to be said for setting aside a day to show those you love a little extra acknowledgment.

As a little girl, my hardworking father ALWAYS made sure to remember my Mother & I in some special way on this Day of Love. He had ordered a delivery to be made, which for some reason made it seem more spectacular. Waiting for that knock on the door and seeing something coming through the door with your name on it made a girl feel very special.

My Mother's would be an amazing bouquet of Pinks and Reds that just took your breath away. Mine would be a simple little collection of carnations (my fave) or daisies with Babies Breath, possibly a Rose added for good measure. And always an adorable stuffed animal attached. It made a little girl feel.....special and loved. Not because it was a 'purchased' gift, but because it was my Dad's thoughts/feelings all rolled up in the loveliness of it all. It said to us, "you are important to me to continue to honor this tradition." And, it was a tradition he continued up until my first year of Marriage, then he handed the 'job' over to my husband :) I Love seeing my little girl light up when her Daddy makes the fuss over her now. The light in her eyes tells the story, in that moment, I AM SPECIAL, I AM LOVED!

He is 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is hard for my to fathom, my Lil' Man is Fourteen years old. I am beyond Blessed to have this Child. Although the teen years bring their own challenges, I must say they are few and far between with him. He is the epitome of unconditional Love, and he inspires me to want to always be better.

I love you my Son!

Snow Day & Comfort Food

What is it about Snow Days that makes us want to consume as much comfort food as humanly possible? I love the (temporary) isolation from the outside world. It allows for the immediate appreciation of being (trapped) in the constant company of your little loving family.

This is when my cooking drive kicks into overdrive. Although it is only one day confined to the house, I must cook and EAT like we may never see civilization again. I shutter to think what I may weigh if I lived in Alaska!

So, it is the clambering of cold, excited children building forts in the frozen Tundra that drives this hibernation mode I enter in to. The NEED to fill their bellies and pull out clothes right from the dryer to warm those frozen bones becomes all consuming. Tomorrow School will return, plows will make a mess of streets, snow will even get 'dirty', but for today, I am content hibernating.