Wednesday, February 16, 2011

January Snow Madness! Dog Days are here.

The snow has brought with it many issues. Despite the obvious obstacles, travel, shoveling, food shortages, achy bones from spills from icy patches, the main one is the "Stir-Craziness-Mania" of being trapped in your own home for longer then you like.

I knew that applied to the human inhabitants of this abode. Then I stated to see how the Canine faction was faring, and what they did to keep their minds sharp in a time when one clearly feels like the mind is slipping away in the snow banks.

This was just one day in the life of Tommy & Ginger. They brought such joy to me this day. They let my "One step way from the Shining, All Snow & No Play Makes Coll a crazy woman" mind wander and focus on something other then the trapped feeling consuming my soul. Thomas became "obsessed" with the fleet of Ninja Squirrels taunting him from our window, and Ginger-I-really-detest-coldstuff-on-my-feet, followed her brother without a thought of the yuck building up on her paws. They were totally present in the moment, enjoying their dog-ness....and I couldn't help but follow them on this journey, if only an observer. I thank them for the Gift of Living in the Moment. I have so much to learn from my Dogs!

Sleepover Sillyness

Jul is very fortunate to have two "Sisters" that are known as Soph & Livie. Jul and Soph have been buddies since Nursery School. Soph & Livie's Momma is my dear friend Angel, who I actually went to High School with, small world!

The three girls do a wonderful job of hanging out together, and just thoroughly enjoying each others company. We usually try to be down the Shore at the same time. The girls have enjoyed the surf & sand together, a 4th of July Parade, and fun at 52nd Street Playground.

While most would say three girls on a play date is a recipe for disaster, and for the most part--I agree! But, not with this trio. They have had a few sleepovers at each others homes. There is a sense of comfort I have sending her to my friends home, more like she is going to stay with family, not just friends. I don't have that sense of "let-my-guard-down-peace-of-mind-comfort" with many situations that involve my kids and other people, but in this case, I DO! I sure hope my friend has that same level of comfort, in fact, I know she does, which makes me feel so honored!