Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Hope...not there was anything wrong with the "Old" Hope

As we McCay's do, we abruptly decided, in the afternoon, that we were embarking on an unscheduled adventure. I can't say it was totally unplanned, we had discussed a couple of weeks ago the various Fall family day trips we wanted to accomplish. We crossed O.C.N.J off our list last week, now, (again, abruptly) we were ready to conquer New Hope, Pa.

It was a gorgeous Sunday, and we were having a 'Carpe Diem' moment. So, the adventure begins. I leave it up to husband to nail down directions, and be able to program the GPS. I have a very dysfunctional hate/like relationship with the GPS lady, I felt it best to let him deal with her. As we leave driveway, hubs says,"we need to get to 95", this will come back to haunt us later. I ask, "what does SHE say?" Well, let's see.......NOT 95!!!!! OK, well we need gas anyway, so we'll just listen to HER. I really can't speak of it in great detail, as the Post-Traumatic Stress may once again rear it's head. Let's just say, I did not know there were actually that many twists and turns, detours and little towns and neighborhoods one could incorporate into one trip, and never leave NJ! Mind you, we never got lost, we were just on the road to nowhere. We did manage to cross a Bridge that spilld us into Pa., and after a very loooong country road (where you swear the Deliverance theme song complete with Banjos will begin playing) we finally see civilization, we see NEW HOPE!!!!! Now, I know why it is named that, we had just about given up on ANY Hope, and here, right in front of us, Hope was renewed!

After parking, and the first of two funny bathroom 'incidents' (we won't go into detail;), our fun began. The sidewalks are so narrow, it forces you to encounter each and every passerby, whether you want to or not, but it really did lend itself to the 'vibe' that is New Hope. It feels like you are bumping into old friends, and common thread running through. The Artsie-hippie-eclectic-melodic-revolutionary-haunted-enchanting aura of this place just wraps itself around each person, you cannot help but be effected.

We were surprised so many things were still open, as our 'abruptness' allowed us to get there at 3:45pm, we were glad there was still so much to do. We promptly ate. A sweet lil' restaurant called the Sand Box did not disappoint. We sat outside and enjoyed all those walking by, and the many sounds of motorcycles making there way up and down the tiny Main Street. This is also where funny bathroom incident #2 (no pun intended) occurred. Again, you will be spared details, but let's just say, they CLEARLY need to distinguish a man/woman door, OR whoever occupies said bathroom CLEARLY needs to lock the door....nuff said!

Our History buff son read each and every marker along the way, explaining the rich history of this town. We were sad that the Parry Museum was closed, but we will come back again to experience that. We meandered in and out of stores, down to the water front, then crossed the Bridge over to the Jersey side into beautiful Lambertville. The kids loved both towns, and asked (repeatedly) if we could move there.

Can't wait to see where our next adventure will take us, imagine if we actually (dare I say) plan something? But, I do believe sometimes the best things occur when you just allow it to unfold, see where the day leads you and not over think it. Oh, and after asking two different people their views on directions for our trip home, we of course did not listen to them....and took 95!!!! STRAIGHT home, no twists or turns, imagine that!

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