Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Lil' Fish!

Much to our amazement, we have a child on the swim team!!!!!! It happened quit unexpectedly, but what a complete, joyful experience it has been.

At the beginning of this swim season, Julia was not what we would call a "swimmer", but, she was definitely a "try-er". So many people would tell us to put her on the swim team. This blew my mind, as I always thought it best that one was a proficient swimmer, before joining a team that, well....swims! We would ask her if she wanted to join the team, and she would always reply, "maybe next year". O.K, fair enough, and we left it alone. Then came the day....As we were leaving our Swim Club, after a incredible day of swimming, a 'big girl' life guard ran after us, calling to Julia. Her exact words, "I was watching you swim, you are really good, do you want to join the swim team?" I think to myself, 'Oh, dear girl, don't waste your time, she doesn't want any parts of it'.....but, what I heard come out of my little ones mouth was,"SUUURE!"

The rest, they say, is history! Julia has become so confident in the water, and we are overflowing with pride. Her big brother is right there at every Meet, cheering her on. It really has been a wonderful family experience, and a most pleasant of surprises. But to just see how proud she is of herself, is worth everything.

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