We are (for us) ahead of schedule with our Christmas prep. I'm all most certain something will step in the way to derail the train, but for now, we're on track. The kids keep focusing on the 'day', "I can't believe it's only x# of days till Christmas." I have been trying to instill in them to enjoy the journey leading up to the 'day'. It took me a long time to realize it, but I hope it sinks in for them sooner then it did me. They took so much pleasure in decorating the Tree, it made it truly special for Larry and I.
My father just had another short stay in the hospital. It just drives home the point to us to value every moment with those we have. He is fine now. He is chronically cold, to which my children love finding/inventing new ways to keep Pop warm. He is a trooper, and allows them to do whatever they want, he always has, and I love him for that. I love the relationship he has with them. My loving husband and adorable son went over to put my Mother's tree up for her. My Mom was always the reason our home had the Spirit of Christmas, if she wants her tree up....then so it shall be! Julia requested that she hold off on the decorating until she can come over and help. Mom wouldn't have it any other way :)
So here is some random 'getting ready' for the Holiday Hoopla pics taken by my talented aspiring Cinematographer son. He used the tripod which led to blurs and such. But, I think it is perfect as it shows the frenetic energy that is our home.