We woke up to a little Thanksgiving Snow.It was a beautiful, peaceful Morning. We all just rolled with the flow of the day, Bliss.

This year was a bit odd in the 'practicing' of the THANKS. As a matter of logistics, we responded to one invitation before the next one rolled in, we are so grateful to have so many that wish to spend this day with us. The situation that arose was that our children REALLY wanted to spend the day with their cousin who was in from out of State, whom they adore and don't get to spend that much time with. I didn't know how this request could be denied, as it was coming straight from their hearts. Soooo, long story short, this is the first (and last) Holiday I spent away from my children. I could not in good faith, break my commitment the one who was first to ask. But, I also couldn't keep my children from seeing their beloved relatives from another State.
We had a wonderful meal at my brother's home. My sis-in-law did such a wonderful job making all feel so welcomed. My amazing Aunt Dolly was present, but my parents were not. My parents were asked first to a cousin's home (you see where I get this sense of honor & duty from?) She did not want to back out on her cousin, but, she hated being away from her children. I know how you feel Mom! Dad was not feeling great, so he stayed home. I'm glad my Mom was still able to get out for awhile and enjoy herself. We chatted at the end of the night on the phone, but I missed them terribly.
After our dinner was done, we rushed over to Lar's parents house, where dessert was just wrapping up, to enjoy the rest of the Holiday with our children and the rest of the Clan. One thing is guaranteed with this group, we laugh....A LOT !!!!! Many of the same stories get told, but, they never get old. And we laugh. The little ones will do something beyond adorable or sweet, AND, we laugh. Really we laugh A LOT! I love seeing my husband with his brother's reliving each story over and over again with all the skill of a Master Story Teller, holding their audience captive....as if we haven't heard the ending a bazillion times, we still laugh like it's the first time we heard it. So, really, these are the moments that mean the most. And when my kids sit around telling their favorite childhood memories, I hope they laugh, A LOT!