Well.....it's that bitter-sweet time of year for me. The cooler air moves in, forcing you to accept that which you are in denial of, Summer is over!!!!!!
Which leads to the other issue I have, sending my kids back to school. As much as they may drive me crazy (crazier), I truly love having my kids home. No real bed time. Sleeping in, well, for only the oldest, the youngest---never! Care-free days, planning trips to the beach, hanging out with their friends......just freedom to be kids.
September rolls around and slaps you in the face. The reality being, these children will be another year older the next time I get to have them all to myself again come next Summer. It has been a season of tremendous growth for both my children. My oldest really coming into his own, having a great group of friends to spend time with, and really devoting time to his music. It is a joy to see he and his father 'jamming' away, and just enjoying each others company so thoroughly. He now enters his last year in Middle School, really?!?
My Baby, celebrated a birthday over this Summer. We reveled in watching her become such a strong and confident swimmer this year. She is so extremely active, you can't help but get caught up in the energy that is Julia!
So, I will welcome, accept, and embrace this new school year. I will look forward to all the new adventures it will bring for my children. And, I will be counting the days till Summer returns ;)